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I engaged with this project with an existing hypothesis or point of view that there has been a cultural shift in society’s relationship with art. This was the key motivation behind the creative work, and one that the creative process allowed me to engage critically with. The creative work of this project posits that there was a cultural shift in society’s relationship with art at the beginning of the 20th century, and explores the question: 

How can film represent ideas and philosophies to shape audiences' attitudes through a phenomenology akin to the engagement with art of audiences of the late 19th and early 20th century?

I have created some introduction videos below to help give some context to the project and how to navigate and use this website


Quick Introduction

How to use this website

An Introduction to Apples and Oranges : The Film Concept


Story Documents

This creative work is an expanded version of a traditional film treatment. It not only outlines the story but also includes visual and audio elements that help convey the tone, style, and aesthetic of the proposed film. This is a text and graphics-based view of the story and is intended to complement the Lookbook sections in Dovetail. This has helped me to visualise the film more concretely and is intended to guide subsequent phases of production. The enhanced treatment can be used in pitch meetings to provide potential backers a more vivid sense of the project.

The method followed was informed by the expanded definitions for Story Documents from Screen Australia (Screen Australia, 2018). My Augmented Treatment is equivalent to a ‘Scriptment’ as defined by Screen Australia. “Scriptments may also be used to showcase important visual aspects of the story, and include illustrations, concept art, photographs etc. They may be suited to some filmmakers as a way to express their style of storytelling and what will make their project special.” (Screen Australia, 2018). As my creative work also includes audio and animated components, I have chosen to use the terminology of an ‘Augmented Treatment’ to distinguish it in this way.

I have also created a more traditional treatment document called a 'shortened treatment'. 

  • Imagine a film where the stroke of a brush holds the power to alter reality, where art is not just an imitation of life, but life itself. "Apples and Oranges" is a cinematic journey set against the backdrop of Paris, 1914, blending the rich tapestry of Impressionist art with the gritty suspense of a forensic thriller.
  • Logline: A turn-of-the-century student forensic detective is called in to explain the death of an unknown person in a museum to offset the pending scandal it may cause, but the world of art is more mysterious than is first framed.

The Story Begins here


Deleuze Taxonomy Analysis

Click on the icons to review how the Deleuzian Taxonomy from Cinema 1 and Cinema 2 is applied to Apples and Oranges

Analysing Movement Image
Analysing Time Image
Deleuze Taxonomy applied

Find out more


Latest Progress

I have been creating videos, and adding some foley, recording some dialogue and adding visual effects to explore some of the characters and situations or scenes I have outlined in the treatment. Here is a scene that currently is not in the treatment but I am considering adding. This is where bhte enigmatic charater of Archambualt gives some advice to Marguerite.
